C o u r a g e,  d e a r   h e a r t .
C . S .  L e w i s
 I'm Sam, the girl with too many books and not enough curls. I can often be found in my bedroom reading the latest novel, browsing the shelves of Target in search for my unique style, or pinning away the best pins I can possibly find.

I believe in a lot of things, like
+ You can never have too many pies
+ Sacrificing something for a book is always worth it
+ Farmers markets are one of the best places on this earth
+ Sunflowers should always go in a mason jar on the table
+ Fresh fruits and vegetables from a home-grown garden taste better than the ones at the store
+ Never buy growing children expensive clothing
+ Leather Bibles are the works of angels (meaning, I just really like them!)
+ Forests are the best places to think
+ North Face jackets are some of the best jackets around
+ It's always okay to stop and smell the roses
+ Pinstripes are the best kinds of stripes
+ You can never go wrong with Scottish accents

I also believe in the grace and mercies of my Lord, Jesus Christ. I'm Southern Baptist, and my beliefs reflect such. I believe in faith-based salvation, and that no matter how hard I try, I can never make it into Heaven by myself. I believe that I am never grasped out of the Father's hand (John 10:28), and that once saved, no one can lose their salvation. I believe that God loves me, and I strive to do my best to honor and glorify Him. This blog, although not meant to be preachy in anyway, will reflect such beliefs and will always be from a Christian perspective.

In a nutshell, I am a writer, storyteller, photographer, adventurer, tea enthusiast, reader, dreamer, lover, obsessive plant tender, and the daughter of a King.

I wanted a place to store my thoughts, and I was given the suggestion to start a blog. I've been blogging since the beginning of January 2015, and I do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

Here I post everything pertaining to life: personal posts, reviews, thoughts on God, thoughts on friends, things I'm learning as my days in high school are quickly ending and my life at a college in Virginia is starting, recipes, photos, adventures, and everything in-between. It's been a grand journey so far, and I am so excited to continue it!

Q & A
|| What grade are you in? ||
I am in my 12th year of school currently, but in a few short months I'll be graduating high school and heading off to a university in Virginia.

|| What camera do you have? ||
I currently have a Nikon and use a 50mm lens mainly. I love my camera immensely and hope to keep up my photography all throughout college.

|| Can you follow/check out my blog? ||
I'd love to! Leave it down in the comments below and I'll be sure to look around it. I love finding new blogs to follow!

|| You're a Christian who reads and very much enjoys fantasy. What are your beliefs in that? ||
I'm actually compiling a blog post specifically for that and will publish it shortly!

|| What is your favorite time period? ||
Oh, I have so many! I love the medieval period because of how beautiful and fair it was (although I believe Hollywood and the media to romanticize it quite a bit). I also love the early 1900's because of the clothes, books published during that time, and overall feel of it. Lastly, the 40's and 50's would be a big hit for me because of the fashion, media, and stories my grandparents have to say about that time. It was just so classy!

|| Can we be pen-pals? ||
Although I would love to write handwritten letters to everyone, I can't. Mainly because of my precious time (these days I have very little spare time between school, my job, and preparing for a life away from home both physically, emotionally, and mentally), but also because this is the Internet and I would like to remain safe. Send me an email instead and I would love to correspond through that!

Have a question? Leave it down in the comments below!

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